Social media comments policy
House rules:
We want to ensure that all members of our community have the chance to discuss relevant topics, share stories and experiences, as well as keeping up to date on all Rennie products and news. To make sure all our members have an enjoyable and worthwhile experience, we ask you to respectfully adhere to the guidelines below when sharing with us:
- Please treat all your fellow users with respect and consideration.
- This is a public page where anyone can view comments or photos you upload. So please take time to think about what you share.
- Please don’t share your contact information like phone numbers, postcodes, email or web addresses.
- Have a think through before you post – remember that anyone can copy, print or save it.
- Bullying or harassment will not be allowed.
- Before you respond to comments or posts on the page, please consider if what you are saying might hurt somebody’s feelings or be misleading.
- It’s your community so tell us if you see something illegal and we will take the most appropriate action as fast as we can.
- Advertising businesses or items for sale are no-nos and will be removed.
- Bad language or anything deemed offensive will be removed.
- Any posting that is off-topic or inappropriate will be removed.
Acceptable Use Policy & Banned Users
The brand can use their discretion for hiding posts where content is:
- Considered likely to provoke or offend others.
- Defamatory, offensive, obscene or vulgar.
- Off-topic or deemed irrelevant.
- In violation of any intellectual property rights.
- Contains profanities or other language likely to offend.
- Deemed to break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity.
- Advertising other products or services for profit or gain.
- Seen to impersonate someone else.
- Personal (such as telephone numbers, postal or email addresses).
- Considered to be 'spam' (posts containing the same message posted multiple times).
Further Guidelines:
By commenting and interacting with this page Bayer have assumed that you have read and consented to abide by these guidelines and rules. As such Bayer reserve the right to follow-up with a user should they report a side effect, adverse event or product complaint. If such complaints arise, we would need to contact you to discuss such matters at the earliest opportunity.
Alternatively, adverse events should be reported to Bayer directly at with further information. If you feel that you require medical assistance, we recommend that you contact an appropriate healthcare professional.
Please note that when using Rennie products, you may wish to discuss product use with your healthcare professional (e.g. nurse, GP, pharmacist) or call NHS Direct. If you want to report a Quality Complaint please report any quality complaint to Bayer Plc (E-mail: